Rocklyn at Samuels Ave
Fort Worth, Texas
ERW Site Solutions partnered with our longstanding customer, Carleton Companies to develop this amazing property just off the Trinity River in Fort Worth, Texas. Carleton Companies owns, develops, and builds high-quality multifamily assets across the South and Southwest United States.
650 FT. LONG
90 Days
The location of Rocklyn at Samuels Ave, right up against the Trinity River, presented many design, engineering and construction challenges. However, working with Wallace Wittworth at Carleton Companies, we were able to bring their vision for this multi-family project to life.
“This project presented us with many challenges. There were so many moving parts and complexities, not to mention the sheer size and scale of the retaining wall. But we did it, and man that wall is a sight to be behold.”
Randy O’Neal, President and COO at ERW Site Solutions
The cornerstone of the project was an amazing retaining wall. On top of which the apartment complex and amenities would reside. Carleton Companies partnered with ERW Site Solutions to design a wall that would serve as the solid foundation for the entire project. The wall is 650 feet long, 40 feet tall and it is one of the largest retaining walls built in the state of Texas.
Our Companies That Worked On This Project